I'm Mari.

I have a beautiful family. I am a mother of 2, running a business that is nourishing me. I feel that I found my purpose. I enjoy myself.

This may sound deceptively simple.

but rewind to three years ago, and you'll find a person who couldn't walk 500m without pain. My sole desire back then was to live a life free from constant discomfort.

Today, I stand tall—literally and metaphorically—grateful for the journey that led me from struggle to triumph.
"I looked like a glossy woman, but inside there was emptiness."
"For most of my life, I worked in the tourism and aviation sectors. My last corporate role was as a regional manager for "flydubai". On the surface, everything seemed wonderful - I had a great position, a high income. I loved my work.

I looked like a glossy woman, but inside there was emptiness. Now I get that the emptiness came from not understanding the balance between work and family and not understanding myself in general because my whole life was built around surviving and achieving."
"I began experiencing chronic body pains, especially in my lower backThe pain was unbearable. I had no other option but to address the debt of self-love I owed myself."

Our body, mind, and soul form a holistic system. Those unbalanced periods when you are burned out and lack a healthy relationship with yourself and your family do not go unnoticed. In theory, we all know what a wholesome life should look like, but in reality, the realization often comes only after some painful experiences.

In 2020, after my second pregnancy, on top of postpartum depression (that nobody is talking about), I began experiencing chronic body pains, especially in my lower back. The intense back pain persisted despite multiple doctors' attempts to alleviate it - nothing helped at all. It progressively worsened until I had to lie down for 15 minutes just to walk to the kitchen table. The pain was unbearable. I had no other option but to address the debt of self-love I owed myself.
"I accepted that I am the person responsible for my health . I was committed to find a remedy. This continued until 2022 when I discovered a teacher who was a graduate of Polestar Pilates."

I couldn't fully enjoy the journey of motherhood, which was a dream come true for me.

It was clear that I had to take actions. I looked inwards to develop awareness, I accepted that I am the person responsible for my health - I studied at IIN to become a health coach , I‘ve worked with the best professionals in the industry. I was committed to find a remedy. This continued until 2022 when I discovered a teacher who was a graduate of Polestar Pilates. This moment changed everything.

Can you believe? I was a physical rehabilitation client for years. And today I feel content, I feel happy and absolutely fulfilled in life!

This experience had a deep impact on me.
I made a promise to bring the Polestar Pilates education to GCC, Georgia and Armenia.

My mission, together with Polestar Pilates, is to create as many professionals as possible so that people can experience the freedom of movement and live pain-free, tension-free lives.

We believe in the power of movement and its ability to heal and strengthen both the body and mind. Let me tell you the truth, there is no quick fix for chronic pains, but I can absolutely guarantee that it's possible to re-pattern your movements and live a pain-free and vibrant life.